Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sun Sand & Wave (Triangular love story)

With sky stripping off her dark dress
Announcing the demise of darkness
Out he came from beneath sea’s unknown depths
Adorning the sky at east, glowing golden
Proud of his graceful looks and radiant glance
Very sure of wedlock of his choice

With milky smiles, up she comes like a slatted cave
The favorite princess of Mother Sea , wave
Gently rising, sprinting and wading through
Caressing the shore sand whom she loves
Tireless of her ruthless attempts
Striving hard to pull the grain sand
Off the shore to the realm of ocean

With breeze whispering her eternal love
Spreading the fragrance to distant galaxies
“Oh! What love and care for subject sand”
Voices soared, reached the ears of sun
Simmering with jealous, the hottest summer it was
Scorching the whims and love fancies of waves

Never once did she fret about intense heat
But thought of her lover being bakedAnd brought out her unseen immense potent
Like a diving leopard, she soared great heights
Satiating shore sand’s parched lips
Carrying the thorns of heat with her
Still, condoning the misdoings of sun

“ Seething lust for dust” bashed the blazer
Unable to tolerate his heartless torture
She wept spreading salty tears to sea’s extent
The white clouds came to her rescue
Wrapping him in his white blanket
But no way this going to stop conflict

Destiny had the final laugh
“Life defeats everyone at their strong point”
With all his energy spent, down he went at west
For the dark to crown once again
With the crescent shinning bright
They found warmth, then forever
Sand and ripple were a perfect couple

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