Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Men never cry

Men never cry

Two years back, I wrote an article about the generation gap, which luckily got published in Voice your views column in ‘The Hindu’, where I wrote that I drew immense inspiration listening to the bed time stories of my grandfather about his life struggles and pain he endured, which helps me to face the harsh realities of life today, which today’s kids are missing badly, for they are glued to their virtual world of computers and sorely miss such beautiful relationships.

Just two weeks later, my grandfather passed away. I don’t know whether it is mere coincidence in life that it happened that way that he passed away, after reading the article written by his grandson. But, when I arrived to mourn his death at his place, more than his death, the article was more talked about, much against my wishes. But learnt from my grandmother that he was so happy reading it, when she cried hugging me.

I wanted to cry that day, but never dropped a single drop of tears from my eyes. Sometimes, I wonder how tears too can betray you in Life.

But was a very proud grandson, remembering my grandfather’s words

“Men never cry”

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